Distraction is the root of all evil; yes, I do really believe there are less good people in this world and more wicked and evil people than good. When people are distracted, they can start focusing on things that a meaningless and cause a lot of issues not only in their own lives but the people around them life.

Believe it or not, this can cause a lot of issue beyond the normal gossiping. When we attempt to make someone the focus, we cause problems for them. This can cause a number of issues, from causing people to lose their jobs, or them stopping your business with lies or gossips. So, yes, it is impactful to you. This can really cause you a lot of problems when it comes to your livelihood. I am not saying this is an easy task to know that someone is stopping your money for their own selfish ways. But what I am saying is, you can’t do anything about them, but just let them talk and ignore them as much as you can.

When we focus our attention on people who cause problems for us. We lose sight of what really matters, which is us. The medicine to this is to clear out people who don’t have good intentions for you. Clear them out of your mind and out of your life. Especially if they are not an asset.

I have learned over the years not to focus on the mediocre but stay focus on the things that really matters like my business. If you keep your focus on the negative things in life, your mind cannot focus on the goals you need to accomplish.

Even though sometimes you can get caught up with the mess. It’s ok to realign yourself back to your goals and get right back into the saddle and begin again.

When you are focus, you pay attention to things that can improve your life. For example, if you need to make more money. You will start looking for ways to get your business started or even looking for a new job. If you can find a job.

5 Ways to stay focus on the things that matters are:

  • Look at the real situation that is going on and find things that are meaningful to you and that makes you happy
  • Find the things you can change and things you can’t change, for example, you can change you.
  • There are some financial things you cannot change. So, you will not focus on those financial things. You cannot change. Because maybe you don’t have the money to fix them right now.
  • Write down solutions to the things you can change.
  • Apply your focus on the solutions you’ve written down to things you can change which are the low-hanging fruits and determine what you can reach and what you cannot reach, which are the thing you can or cannot fix.

If you focus on all the mediocre things going on around you like the gossip, and it’s not contributing to your life and your money, you just lost sight. The idea behind this is to start focusing on the game plan on the things that benefit you and a solution to your problems. Rather than, the people causing the problems in your life.